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Founded in October 2023

Our Mission



Inspired by Creek Week, former four-term City Council Member Richard Skorman founded Richards Rubbish Roundup, a local 501 C3 non-profit, to address the growing litter problem in the Pikes Peak Region. We are inspired by a deep commitment to regularly keep and maintain waterways, parks, trails, medians, highway exits, and other public right of ways free of litter. 

To make our Metropolitan area the cleanest, most litter-free and safest in Colorado. 

We host Rubbish Roundups every Tuesday, weather permitting! Unlike laudable local volunteer efforts like Creek Week and the Great American Cleanup that occur once a year, our purpose is to regularly enlist volunteers to keep our Region litter-free as needed. Many areas will need to be cleaned on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis. 

Our roundups focus on highly visible public spaces, major roadways, highway exits, medians, parks (including dog parks), trails and open spaces with a special emphasis on Fountain Creek and its 54 tributaries. 

More about Fountain Creek Watershed District

Richards Rubbish Roundup draws its inspiration from the Fountain Creek Watershed, Flood Control & Greenway District. Established under Colorado Senate Bill 09-141, the District serves El Paso and Pueblo counties with a mission to manage, administer, and fund necessary capital improvements in the Fountain Creek Watershed. Their comprehensive approach includes mitigating flooding, erosion, and sedimentation, addressing water quality issues, improving drainage, and protecting open space. They also develop public recreational opportunities and maintain land use authority in the 100-year floodplain between El Paso and Pueblo counties. With a Board of Directors representing local cities, counties, and advisory groups, the District's dedication to enhancing the environment and public spaces has been a guiding force for our efforts at Richards Rubbish Roundup. We are proud to follow in their footsteps, striving to keep our community clean and green.

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Meet the Team


Richard Skorman


The heart (and, well, the face) of Richard's Rubbish Roundup, Richard Skorman is a true community activist who has been involved in numerous local efforts. In 1990, he founded the U.S. Environmental Film Festival—the first of its kind in the nation. Skorman's dedication to environmental preservation and community well-being is evident in his years of advocacy and service. During his thirteen years on Colorado Springs City Council, including two years as vice mayor, Skorman spearheaded efforts to allocate resources for trails, open space, and parks, emphasizing the importance of preserving natural areas for future generations. He was instrumental in opposing the sale of Strawberry Fields open space, demonstrating his unwavering commitment to protecting valuable community assets. Skorman's leadership and vision continue to inspire our organization's work, driving us to make a positive impact in our community.


Sonja Walker


Meet Sonja, the vibrant force behind Richards Rubbish Roundup! Sonja's journey began amidst the orderly streets of Germany during her college years, where she marveled at the pristine environment and the strict enforcement against littering, even down to the errant cigarette butt. However, it was her transition to the bustling cityscape of Dallas, Texas, that truly opened her eyes to the pervasive issue of litter. Undeterred, Sonja sought solace amidst the picturesque vineyards of Santa Barbara, where cleanliness was a way of life. 


Working in the immaculate Sta. Rita Hills further fueled her appreciation for a tidy environment. However, it was her move to Colorado that presented a stark contrast, as she encountered the juxtaposition of natural beauty marred by litter. Determined to make a difference, Sonja joined Richards Rubbish Roundup. With unwavering enthusiasm, Sonja rallies fellow locals who share her zeal for a pristine environment. Sonja's commitment to cleanliness is not just a passion but a calling, one that inspires others to join her in making a tangible difference in their surroundings.

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